Recommended technology

Below is a list of technology types we think can help you with the problems your business is facing

Customer Relationship Management system

  • A CRM allows you to collect all the information you have on a customer in one place, making it easier to use this data to identify future opportunities and convert leads
  • A CRM can help you better understand the profile of your customers, helping you to segment them and identify where there might be opportunities
  • By enabling you to closely manage your relationship with a customer, CRMs can help you offer better customer service, potentially increasing the value of each customer and reducing churn
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  • By adopting an eCommerce platform, a customer’s journey can be tracked from A to B with ease, allowing personalisation at every opportunity - key in a hyper-competitive market
  • An integrated content system means that copy can be updated anywhere on the site in reduced time, allowing for reactive marketing in a fast-paced world. Timely marketing encourages customers to click and purchase to be involved with the latest trends
  • A well-managed inventory reduces to risk of items being sold out for long periods, encouraging customers to return again and again when they need an item
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Marketing automation

  • An effective marketing strategy is more than sending the occasional email to your database – it now includes specific customer journeys, social media marketing, mobile messaging and ads. By optimising all potential touchpoints, you increase the chances of a purchase
  • Through marketing automation, you are able to track how individuals interact with content, advertising, existing campaigns and messaging. By identify patterns, you’ll be able to shape your future tactics to turn prospective customers into actual customers
  • Through marketing automation tools, you’re able to see data from all your marketing efforts in one place. By drawing this data together, you can inform your next steps in your marketing strategy, expanding your reach and cementing your company’s presence
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